Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, SPAIN
Januar 2025 - April 2025
The Search of New Gravitational Waves Signals
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Juli 2016 - Oktober 2016
Earth Transitions Explored through Scientific Drilling: Chicxulub Impact and the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction Event and Formation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from Eocene to Miocene
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
November 2015 - November 2015
Die Gedanken sind frei - aber werden sie es auch bleiben?
National Institute of Oceanography, INDIA
August 2009 - Januar 2010
Foraminiferal Production and Monsoonal Upwelling in the Arabian Sea: Long Term Variability Evidenced by Sediment Traps
Danish Institute for International Studies, DENMARK
August 2007 - Juli 2008
1. Book Project: Power and International Relations, 2. Geopolitics Redux? 1989 and the Revival of Geopolitical Thought in Europe
Mahidol University, THAILAND
Juni 2025 - August 2026
Preparedness for Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases: An Artificial Intelligence Approach
Texas State University, San Marcos, USA
Mai 2010 - August 2010
Evaluation of Nitrogenase Genes as Markers in Marine and Terrestrial Microbial Community Studies
City College, INDIA
September 2003 - Juni 2005
Studies on Holocene Mangrove Dymamics and Sea-Level Changes of the South Western Ganga-Brahmaputra Delta, India
Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences IPM, IRAN
November 2020 - November 2021
Gravitational Waves, Memory Effect, and Black Hole Microstates
University of Oklahoma, USA
September 2021 - Juni 2022
Darwin in History. Evolution, Science, and Society
Harvard University, USA
Mai 2010 - Dezember 2010
The Sources and Consequences of Institutional Change in Developed Political Economies
Januar 2005 - November 2005
1. Emotion and aesthetics. An experimental approach toward an aesthetic experience of art, 2. The function of emotion in aesthetics
The University of Warwick, UNITED KINGDOM
Februar 2013 - Februar 2013
Decision Field Theory in Psychology, and Revealed Preference in Economics: Designing an Intergrated Experimental Test
Coastal Carolina University, USA
Oktober 2024 - August 2025
Material Budgeting and Human Impact: the Bengal Delta – Shelf – Slope Continuum
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
August 2018 - Juni 2019
Unraveling the Complex Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Health and Activity of Marine Microorganisms
Cardiff University, UNITED KINGDOM
Januar 2015 - November 2015
Genomic Fictions: Genes, Gender and Genre
Université de Montréal, CANADA
Mai 2010 - Mai 2010
Abelsche Integrale und Funktionen und ihre Anwendungen in Physik und Geodäsie
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, ISRAEL
September 2002 - Februar 2003
Empirical Modeling of Sediment Dispersal and Transport Pathways in Marine and Coastal Environments
Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Juli 2013 - August 2013
Tracers for the Modern-Day Marine Carbon Cycle: Application of Molecular-Level Carbon Characterization to Ecosystems
University of Colorado, Denver, USA
August 2019 - Juli 2020
Revenge porn and community accountability: Design interventions
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