Prof. Dr. Mark Erno Hauber
Brain & Mind
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Jul 2021
Sep 2021
Jan 2021
Apr 2021
Projekte & Publikationen
Drawing up a new theory for the hormonal mechanisms of avian host-parasite interactions
| Jan 2021
Sep 2021
Lopez, A.V., Reboreda, J.C., Fiorini, V.D. Gerschenson, L.N., Hauber, M.E. (2021). A comparative study of the structural and mechanical properties of avian eggshells among hosts of obligate brood parasitic cowbirds (genus Molothrus). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 133 (4), 1057-107+.
Moskát, C., Hauber, M.E. (2021). Male common cuckoos use a three-note variant of their “cu-coo” call for duetting with conspecific females. Science Direct, 191 (104472).
R.L. Ducay, A.B. Luro, E.S. Hansen, M.E. Hauber (2021). Multicomponent shell traits are consistent with an individual recognition function of the appearance of common murre (Uria aalge) eggs: A biological replication study. Ecology and Evolution, 11 (5), 2402-2409.
Clark, D.L., Hauber, M.E., Anderson, P.S.L. (2021). Nest substrate and tool shape significantly affect the mechanics and energy requirements of avian eggshell puncture. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224 (8): jeb238832.
S.L. Lawson, J.K. Enos, N.C. Mendes, S.A. Gill, M.E. Hauber (2021). Pairing status moderates both the production of and responses to anti-parasitic referential alarm calls in male yellow warblers. Ethology, 127 (5), 385-394.
T.M. Cohen, R.E. Major, R.S. Kumar, M. Nair, K.M. Ewart, M.E. Hauber, R.Dor (2021). Rapid morphological changes as agents of adaption in the introduced populations of the common myna (Acridotheres tristis). Evolutionary Ecology, 35, 443-462.
Lawson, S.L., Enos, J.K., Mendes, N.C., Gill, S.A., Hauber, M.E. (). Responses of Female Yellow Warblers to Playbacks Signaling Brood Parasitism or Predation Risk: A Quasi-Replication Study. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8 (2), 216-230.
Mainwaring, M.C., Nagy, J., Hauber, M.E. (2021). Sex-specific contributions to nest building in birds. Behavioral Ecology
Ecology, 32 (6), 1075-1085.
Ecology, 32 (6), 1075-1085.
Turner, A.M., Hauber, M.E. (). The American robin (Turdus migratorius): A focal species for anti-parasitic egg rejection studies among hosts of the brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). Ethology, 127 (6), 490-503.
H.M. Scharf, M.E. Hauber,B.C. Mommer, J.P. Hoover, W.M. Schelsky (2021). The effect of avian brood parasitism on physiological responses of host nestlings. Physiological ecology – original research, 195, 861-872.
López, A.V., Bolmaro, R.E., Ávalos, M., Gerschenson, L.N., Reboreda, J.C., Fiorini, V.D., Tartalini, V., Risso, P., Hauber, M.E. (2021). How to build a puncture- and breakage-resistant eggshell? Mechanical and structural analyses of avian brood parasites and their hosts. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224 (17): jeb243016.
L.B. Martin, H.E. Hanson, M.E. Hauber and C.K. Ghalambor (2021). Genes, Environments, and Ohenotypic Plasticity in Immunology. Trends in Immunology, 42 (3), 198-208.
Samaš, P., Hauber, M.E., Honza, M. (). A Meta-Analysis of Avian Egg Traits Cueing Egg-Rejection Defenses Against Brood Parasitism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:703208.
M.E. Hauber, Z. Elek & C. Moskát (2021). Advancing onset of breeding dates in brood parasitic common cuckoos and their great reed warbler hosts over a 22-year period. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, 33 (5), 553-560.
Raby, C.L., Cusick, J.A., Fürtbauer, I., Graham, K.E., Habig, B., Hauber, M.E., Madden, J.R., Strauss, A.V.H., Fernandez-Juricic, E. (2022). An inclusive venue to discuss behavioural biology research: the first global Animal Behaviour Twitter Conference. Animal Behaviour, 187, 197-207.
A. Goldklank Fulmer and M.E. Hauber (2021). Autopreening behaviour may convey information about internal social state in Arabian babbler (Turdoides squamiceps) allopreening dyads. Behaviour, 158 (5), 427-446.
H.S. Pollock, J.P. Hoover, F.M.K. Uy, M.E. Hauber (2021). Brood Parasites Are a Heterogeneous and Functionally Distinct Class of Natural Enemies. Trends in Parasitology
Trends in Parasitology, 37 (7), 588-596.
Trends in Parasitology, 37 (7), 588-596.
Elek, Z., Miklós, B., Fülöp, A., Marton, A., Hauber, M.E., Moskát, C. (2021). Call rate in Common Cuckoos does not predict body size and responses to conspecifc playbacks. Journal of Ornithology, 162, 11183-1192.
S.K. Winnicki, B.M. Strausberger, N.D. Antonson, D.E. Burhans, J. Lock, A.M. Kilpatrick and M.E. Hauber (2021). Developmental asynchrony and host species identity predict variability in nestling growth of an obligate brood parasite: a test of the “growth-tuning” hypothesis. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 99, 3, 213-220.
Lawson, S.L., Enos J.K., Antonson, N.D. Gill, S.A., Hauber, M.E. (2021). Do hosts of avian brood parasites discriminate parasitic vs. predatory threats? A meta-analysis. ScienceDirect, 53, 63-95.
H.M. Scharf, M. Abolins-Abols, K.H. Stenstrom, D.T. Tolman, W.M. Schelsky, M.E. Hauber, (2021). Exposure to a mimetic or non-mometic model avian brood parasite egg does not produce differential glucocorticoid responses in an egg-accepter host species. General and Comparatice Endocrinology, 304 (113723), 6.
M.E. Hauber, S.K. Winnicki, J.P. Hoover, D. Hanley and I.R. Hays (2021). The limits of egg recognition: testing acceptance thresholds of American robins in response to decreasingly egg-shaped objects in the nest. The Royal Society Open Science, 8 (1).