University College London, UNITED KINGDOM
Juli 2025 - November 2026
Development of Machine Learning Toolsets for Auditory Neuroscience on Vectors of Disease
University of Tartu, ESTONIA
Februar 2001 - Juli 2001
General Activation State Models and Subjective Fechnerian Distance Scaling
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, GERMANY
Januar 2020 - November 2021
Being a Selfish Soloist Or a Cooperative Chorister? Rhythmic Tuning and Turn-Taking in Seal Pups' Choruses
Russian Academy of Sciences, RUSSIA
Juli 2018 - Juli 2018
The Evolution and Function of Human Dance
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, GERMANY
Juli 2020 - Juni 2023
Computation in the Auditory Periphery: Physiological Foundations and Comparative Modeling
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, ISRAEL
Juli 2009 - September 2009
Developing a Theoretical Framework and a Mathematical Model that Would Explain People's Investment of Resources on Competitions
Drexel University, USA
Juli 2015 - Juli 2015
Better Understanding of Tau Pathology, Apoptosis and Stress in Oligodendrocytes: Toward Better Solutions for Neurodegenerative Disease
Purdue University West Lafayette, USA
April 2000 - Oktober 2000
Decision Processes in Perception
Mainfranken Theater, GERMANY
Februar 2022 - Mai 2022
Technical Ballroom - The Theater of the Digital Natives
Universität des Saarlandes
Oktober 2002 - Dezember 2002
Entwicklung der Affektregulation, Affektregulation bei psychischen Störungen
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Februar 2010 - April 2011
Cognitive Processes Underlying Mental Imagery and Problem Solving
The University of British Columbia, CANADA
April 2005 - April 2006
1. Cellular-Scale Organization of the Visual Cortex, 2. Timing and Temporal Coding in the Visual Cortex, 3. The Role of Attention
State University of New York, USA
Juli 2002 - Juli 2010
An FMRI Study of Voluntary Saccades and Striate Cortical Activity
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
März 2005 - März 2005
Group Fellowship Project: Emergence and its Place in Nature
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), JAPAN
Juli 1997 - Januar 1998
Phasenabhängige Aktivierung von Afferenzen limbischer Stukturen während des Theta-Rhythmus an freibeweglichen Ratten
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
März 1999 - Juni 1999
Synaptische Aktivität bei frühkindlichen emotional gesteuerten Lernvorgängen
TNO Human Factors Research Institute, THE NETHERLANDS
März 2000 - Oktober 2000
Perception of auditory events in three dimensional space
Group Fellowship Project: Emergence and its Place in nature
LWL-Klinik Bochum
Oktober 2017 - Oktober 2017
Buchprojekt "Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Medicine"
Universitätsklinikum Ulm
Januar 2006 - März 2006
Neural, linguistic and affective correlates of attachment disorganization in patients with borderline personality disorders. Anxiety disorders and post traumatic stress disorders
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