Dr. Vesi Vukovic 

Univeristät Bremen
Jul 2024 - Jun 2027
Associate Junior Fellow

Vesi Vukovic

Projekte & Publikationen


My workshop will focus on Yugoslav women film workers, who are largely neglected in the academic research on the Cinema of SFR Yugoslavia (covering the period from 1947 until 1991). The purpose of the workshop is to raise awareness of and disseminate knowledge on Yugoslav female film workers. To spark interest in their forgotten work, I plan to bring renowned international speakers on Yugoslav cinema, such as Yugoslav female film director Gordana Boškov, as well as Yugoslav film scholars and curators, for instance Sanja Bahun, Nevena Dakovi?, Gal Kirn, Petra Belc, Ivana Mom?ilovi?, Nebojša Jovanovi?, and Aleksandra Sekuli?. The workshop will tackle the importance of curating and screening to preserve the cultural memory of Yugoslav women filmmakers. Women curators, screening films directed by women, will share their experiences. The workshop will also stress the urgency and necessity of digitizing works by Yugoslav women filmmakers.


The workshop will be hosted at the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Institute for Advanced Study. Furthermore, my supervisor Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit and my colleagues from ZeMKI research unit of the Universität Bremen will be involved in the organization of the workshop. It will be a small-scale event, lasting from one-and-a-half to two days, and open to the students of the Universität Bremen, scholars, HWK alumni, and fellows, as well as to the general film-interested public.