Prof. Dr. Gerry van Klinken 

The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
Aug 2020 - Feb 2021

Gerry van Klinken

Projekte & Publikationen

Klinken, G. v. (2020). A new language for doing science in the Anthropocene..
Klinken, G. v. (2021). Manifesto: Menuju Peradaban Ekologis Untuk Indonesia [Manifesto: Towards an Ecological Civilization for Indonesia]. In: Demokrasi Tanpa Demos: Refleksi 100 Ilmuwan Sosial Politik Tentang Kemunduran Demokrasi Di Indonesia. (eds.:) Wijayanto, Aisah Putri Budianti, and Herlambang P Wiratraman, Jakarta:LP3ES, 557-68.
Klinken, G. v. (2021). Relief or Prevention? Discursive path dependency in Asian typhoon politics..
Klinken, G. v. (2020). The origins of Indonesian populism: public debate in Java, March-June 1945. Indonesia, 110, 43-72.
Klinken, G. v. (2020). Typhoon disaster politics in pre-1945 Asia: three case studies. Disaster Prevention and Management, 30(1), 35-46.