Assoc. Prof. Dr. Inés Valdez Tappatá 

The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Dez 2018 - Jul 2019
Fellow - co-funded by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung

Inés Valdez Tappatá

Projekte & Publikationen

Valdez, I. (2019). Association, Reciprocity, and Emancipation: A Transnational Account of the Politics of Global Justice. Bell, D. (ed.), Empire, Race, and Global Justice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 120-144.
Valdez, I. (2019). Beyond the Dream and Promise Act: Why Democrats must turn the immigrant labor narrative upside down. London School of Economics US Centre Blog April 8.
Valdez, I. (2019). Hemispheric Entanglements and Contemporary Immigration Politics. Contemporary Political Theory, 18(4), 624-631.
Valdez, I., Coleman, M. and Akbar, A. (2020). Law, State Violence, and Race: Grounding and Embodying the State of Exception. Theory & Event, 22 (4), 902-934.
Valdez, I. (2020). Reconceiving Immigration Politics: Walter Benjamin, Violence, and Labor. American Political Science Review, 114(1), 95-108.
Valdez, I. (2019). Sharon A. Stanley, An Impossible Dream? Racial Integration in the United States. Political Theory, 47(4), 595-597.
Valdez, I. (2020). Socialism and Empire: Labor, Racial Capitalism, and the Global Regulation of Movement. Political Theory.
Valdez, I. (2019). Transnational Cosmopolitanism. Kant, Du Bois, and Justice as a Political Craft. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Valdez, I. (2019). Why anti-immigration politics hurt white workers. In: Made by History (The Washington Post) August 29.