Dr. Jolla Kullgren 

Uppsala University, SWEDEN
Sep 2013 - Aug 2014
Junior Fellow

Jolla Kullgren

Projekte & Publikationen

Prof. Dr. Thomas Frauenheim, Universität Bremen
Deák, P., Kullgren, J., and Frauenheim, Th. (2014). Polarons and oxygen vacancies at the surface of anatase TiO2. PSS Rapid Research Letters, 6, 8, 583-586. https://doi.org/10.1002/pssr.201409139
Kullgren, J., Lu, Z., Yang, Z., and Hermansson, K. (2014). Sulfidation and Sulfur Recovery From SO2 Over Ceria. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 31, 118, 17499-17504. https://doi.org/10.1021/jp4094673
Kullgren, J., Huy, H.A., Aradi, B., Frauenheim, Th., and Deák, P. (2014). Theoretical study of charge separation at the rutile–anatase interface. PSS Rapid Research Letters, 6, 8, 566-570. https://doi.org/10.1002/pssr.201409048