Prof. Dr. Arjan H. Schakel
Universiteit Maastricht, THE NETHERLANDS
Sep 2014
Jun 2015
Projekte & Publikationen
Territoriality of the Vote and Government Accountability in the European Multilevel Electoral System
| Sep 2014
Jun 2015
Prof. Dr. Marc Debus, Universität Mannheim
Schakel, A.H. (2019). Applying Multilevel Governance. in: Keman, H. and Woldendorp, J.J. (eds.) Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Political Science, edited by , Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar., Edward Elgar Publishing, 97-106.
Hutcheson, D.S., Schakel, A.H. (2017). Russia: Nationalization Achieved Through Electoral and Institutional Engineering. in: Schakel, A.H. (ed.) Regional and National Elections in Eastern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 177-206.
Schakel, A.H., Swenden, W. (2018). Rethinking Party System nationalization in India (1952-2014). Government and Opposition, vol. 53, no. 1, 1-25.
Schakel, A. H. (ed.) (2017). Regional and National Elections in Eastern Europe. Palgrave Macmillan.
Schakel, A.H. (2015). Policy Making in Multilevel Systems: Federalism, Decentralisation, and Performance in the OECD Countries. Regional and Federal Studies, 25:2.
Schakel, A. H. (2015). Nationalisation of regional elections in Central and Eastern Europe. East European Politics, 31, 2, 229-247.
Schakel, A.H., Hooghe, L. and Marks, G. (2015). Multilevel Governance and the State. in: Leibfried, S., Huber, E., Lange, M., Levy, J.D., Nullmeier, F. and John D. Stephens, J.D. (eds.) Tranformation of the State,, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 269-285.\r\n10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199691586.001.0001
Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks, Arjan H. Schakel, Sandra Chapman Osterkatz, Sara Niedzwiecki, and Sarah Shair-Rosenfield (2016). Measuring Regional Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Volume I. Oxford: University Press Scholarship Online\r\nPublished to Oxford Scholarship Online.
Schakel, A.H., Dandoy, R. (2017). Introduction: An Analytical Framework for Studying Territoriality of the Vote in Eastern Europe. in: Schakel, A.H. (ed.) Regional and National Elections in Eastern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-33.
E. Massetti, and Schakel, A. H. (2015). From class to region: How regionalist parties link (and subsume) left-right into centre-periphery politics. Party Politics, 21, 6, 866-886.
Schakel, A.H. (2017). Conclusion: Towards an Explanation of the Territoritality of the Vote in Eastern Europe. in: Schakel, A.H. (ed.) Regional and National Elections in Eastern Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 287-325.
Massetti, E. and Schakel, A.H. (2016). The impact of Cohesion policy on regionalist parties' positions on European integration. in: Piattoni, S., Polverari, L. (eds.) Handbook on Cohesion Policy in the EU, Edward Elgar Publishing, 217-230.