Prof. Dr. Dedre Dariel Gentner 

Northwestern University, USA
Jul 2013 - Sep 2013
Mär 2012 - Aug 2012

Dedre Dariel Gentner

Projekte & Publikationen

Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Universität Osnabrück
Prof. Dr. Angela Schwering, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Kurtz, K. J., & Gentner, D. (2013). Detecting anomalous features in complex stimuli: The role of structured comparison. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 19 (3), 219-232.
Jee, B.D., Gentner, D., Uttal, D.H., Sageman, B., Forbus, K., Manduca, C.A., Ormand, C.J., Shipley, T.F., Tikoff, B. (2014). Drawing on experience: How domain knowledge is reflected in sketches of scientific structures and processes. Research in Science Education, 44, 859-883.
Jee, B., Uttal, D., Gentner, D., Manduca, C., Shipley, T., & Sageman, B. (2013). Finding faults: analogical comparison supports spatial concept learning in geoscience. Cognitive Processing, 14, 175-187.
Goldwater, M.B., Gentner, D. (2015). On the acquisition of abstract knowledge: Structural alignment and explication in learning causal system categories. Cognition, 137, 137-153.
Ferry, A.L., Hespos, S.J., Gentner, D. (2015). Prelinguistic relational concepts: Investigating the origins of analogy in infants.. Child Development, 86 (5), 1386-1405.
Gentner, D., Levine, S.C., Ping, R., Isaia, A., Dhillon, S., Bradley, C., Honke, G. (2016). Rapid learning in children via analogical comparison. Cognitive Science, 40 (1), 224-240.
Christie, S., Gentner, D., Call, J., Haun, D. (2016). Sensitivity to Relational Similarity and Object Similarity in Apes and Children. Current Biology, 26 (4), 531-535.
Gentner, D., Ozyurek, A., Gurcanli, O., & Goldin-Meadow, S. (2013). Spatial language facilitates spatial cognition: evidence from children who lack language input. Cognition, 127 (3), 318-330.