Prof. Dr. Raeid M. M. Abed
Sultan Qaboos University, SULTANATE OF OMAN
Jun 2023
Aug 2023
Jun 2022
Aug 2022
Jul 2021
Sep 2021
Jul 2015
Sep 2015
Jun 2014
Aug 2014
Jun 2013
Jun 2013
Jun 2012
Aug 2012
Jun 2011
Aug 2011

Projekte & Publikationen
Metabolic Activity of Microorganisms in Microbial Mats Thriving at Saturation-Level Salinity and Their Potential Use in Biofuel Production
| Jun 2021
Aug 2023
Dr. Dirk de Beer, Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Amann, Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen
Prof. Dr. Meinhard Simon, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Asst.-Prof. Dr. Dagmar Wöbken, Universität Wien
Muthukrishnan T, Hassenrück C, Al Fahdi D, Jose L, Al Senafi F, Mahmoud H and Abed RMM (2022). Monthly Succession of Biofouling Communities and Corresponding Inter-Taxa Associations in the North- and South-West of the Arabian Gulf. Front. Mar. Sci., 8, 787879.
Kratz, A.M., S. Maier, J. Weber, M. Kim, G. Mele, L. Gargiulo, A.L. Leifke, M. Prass, R.M.M. Abed, Y. Cheng, H. Su, U. Pöschl, and B. Weber (2022). Reactive Nitrogen Hotspots Related to Microscale Heterogeneity in Biological Soil Crusts. Environmental Science & Technology, 56 (16), 11865-11877.
Stief, Peter; Schauberger, Clemens; Lund, Marie B.; Greve, Andreas; Abed, Raeid,M.,M.; Al-Najjar, Mohammad A.A.; Attard, Karl; Bonaglia, Stefano; Deutzmann, Jörg S.; Franco-Cisterna, Belén; García-Robledo, Emilio; Holtappels, Moritz; John, Uwe; Maciute, Adele; Magee, Michael J.; Pors, Rie; Santl-Temkiv, Tina; Scherwass, Anja; Sevilgen, Duygu S.; De Beer, Dirk; Glud, Ronnie N.; Schramm, Andreas; Kamp, Anja (2022). Intracellular nitrate storage by diatoms can be an important nitrogen pool in freshwater and marine ecosystems. Communications Earth & Environment, 3, 154.
Dating Australian Bradshaw Rock Art Using DNA Sequencing
| Jul 2015
Sep 2015
Prof. Dr. Reto Weiler, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg
Nitrogen Cycle in Hypersaline Microbial Mats
| Jun 2011
Aug 2014
Dr. Dirk de Beer, Max-Planck-Institut für Marine Mikrobiologie, Bremen
Abed R. M. M., Klempov, T., Gajdo, P., and Certík, M. (2015). Bacterial diversity and fatty acid composition of hypersaline cyanobacterial mats from an inland desert wadi. Journal of Arid Environments, 115, 81-89.
Sergey Dobretsov, Raeid M.M. Abed & Max Teplitski (2013). Mini-review: Inhibition of biofouling by marine microorganisms. Biofouling, 29 (4), 423-441.
Palinska K. A., Abed R. M. M., Charpy L., Langlade M. J., and Golubic, S. (2015). Morphological, genetic and physiological characterization of Hydrocoleum, the most common benthic cyanobacterium in tropical oceans. European Journal of Phycology, 50 (2), 139-154.
Palińska, K.A., Abed, R.M.M., Wendt, K., Charpy, L., Łotocka, M., & Golubic, S. (2012). Opportunistic Cyanobacteria in benthic microbial mats of a tropical lagoon, Tikehau Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago: minor in natural populations, major in cultures. Fottea, 12 (1), 127-140.
D.-N. Rathi, H.G. Amir, R.M.M. Abed, A. Kosugi, T. Arai, O. Sulaiman, R. Hashim, K. Sudesh (2013). Polyhydroxyalkanoate biosynthesis and simplified polymer recovery by a novel moderately halophilic bacterium isolated from hypersaline microbial mats. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 114 (2), 384-395.
Raeid M M Abed, Sergey Dobretsov, Marwan Al-Fori, Sarath P Gunasekera, Kumar Sudesh, Valerie J Paul (2013). Quorum-sensing inhibitory compounds from extremophilic microorganisms isolated from a hypersaline cyanobacterial mat. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 40 (7), 759-772.
Abed, R. M. M., Polerecky, L., Al-Habsi, A., Oetjen, J., Strous, M., and de Beer, D. (2014). Rapid Recovery of Cyanobacterial Pigments in Desiccated Biological Soil Crusts following Addition of Water. PLoS One, 9 (11), e112372.
Allers, E., R. M. M. Abed, L. M. Wehrmann, T. Wang, A. I. Larsson, A. Purser, and D. de Beer (2013). Resistance of Lophelia pertusa to coverage by sediment and petroleum drill cuttings. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 74 (1), 132-140.
Sergey Dobretsov, Raeid M.M. Abed & Christian R. Voolstra (2013). The effect of surface colour on the formation of marine micro and macrofouling communities. Biofouling, 29 (6), 617-627.
Muthukrishnan, T., Abed, R. M. M., Dobretsov, S., Kidd, B., and Finnie A. A. (2014). Long-term microbial fouling on commercial biocidal fouling control coatings. Biofouling, The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research, 30 (10), 1155-1164.
Raulf F. F., Fabricius, K., Uthicke S., de Beer, D., Abed R. M. M., and Ramette, A. (2015). Changes in microbial communities in coastal sediments along natural CO2 gradients at a volcanic vent in Papua New Guinea. Environmental Microbiology, 17 (10), 3678-3691.
Abed, R. M. M., Dobrestov, S., Al-kharusi, S., Schramm, A., Jupp, B. and Golubic, S. (2011). Cyanobacterial Diversity and Bioactivity of Inland Hypersaline Microbial Mats From a Desert Stream in the Sultanate of Oman. Fottea, 11 (1), 215–224.
Abed R. M. M., Al-Kindi, S., and Al-Kharusi, S. (2015). Diversity of Bacterial Communities Along a Petroleum Contamination Gradient in Desert Soils. Microbial Ecology, 69, 95-105.
Abed, R. M. M., A. M. Al-Sadi, M. Al-Shehi, S. Al-Hinai, and M. D. Robinson (2013). Diversity of free-living and lichenized fungal communities in biological soil crusts of the Sultanate of Oman and their role in improving soil properties. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, 695-705.
Abed, R. M. M., Al-Kharusi, S., Prigent, S., and Headley, T. (2014). Diversity, Distribution and Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Capabilities of Microbial Communities in Oil-Contaminated Cyanobacterial Mats from a Constructed Wetland. PLoS One, 9 (12), e114570.
Abed R. M. M., Al-Kharusi, S., and Al-Hinai, S. (2015). Effect of biostimulation, temperature and salinity on respiration activities and bacterial community composition in an oil polluted deser t soil.,. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 98, 43-52.
Loïc Charpy, Katarzyna A. Palinska, Raeid M. M. Abed, Marie José Langlade & Stjepko Golubic (2012). Factors influencing microbial mat composition, distribution and dinitrogen fixation in three western Indian Ocean coral reefs. European Journal of Phycology, 47 (1), 51-66.
Abed R. M. M., de Beer, D., and Stief, P. (2015). Functional-structural analysis of nitrogen cycle bacteria in a hypersaline mat from the Omani desert. Geomicrobiology Journal, 32 (2), 119-129.
Abed, R. M. M and Dobretsov, S. (2014). Genetic Fingerprinting Techniques to Study the Structure of Microfouling Communities. in: Biofouling Methods (First Edition), Sergey Dobretsov, Jeremy C. Thomason and David N. Williams (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 114-122.
Abed, R., Lam, P., de Beer, D. and Stief, P. (2013). High rates of denitrification and nitrous oxide emission in arid biological soil crusts from the Sultanate of Oman. The ISME Journal, 7, 1862–1875.
Sergey Dobretsov and Raeid M.M. Abed (2014). Traditional light and epifluorescent microscopy. in: Biofouling Methods (First Edition), Sergey Dobretsov, Jeremy C. Thomason and David N. Williams (eds.), Wiley-Blackwell, 4-14.