Prof. Dr. Holly Ann Taylor
Brain & Mind
Tufts University, USA
Sep 2010
Dez 2010
Projekte & Publikationen
Planning and Executing Running Routes in Unfamiliar Environments: Balancing Spatial and Memoray Demands
| Sep 2010
Dez 2010
Dr. Thora Tenbrink, Universität Bremen
Prof. Dr. John A. Bateman, Universität Bremen
Gardony, A., Brunyé, T., Mahoney, C., Taylor, H. (2011). Affective states influence spatial cue utilization during navigation. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, MIT Press One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209, USA journals-info …, 3, 20, 223-240.
Taylor, H.A., Brunyé, T.T. (2013). Describing the way out of a cornfield: understanding cognitive underpinnings of comprehending survey and route descriptions. in: Tenbrink, T., Wiener, J., Claramunt, C. (Eds.), Representing space in cognition: Interrelations of behaviour, language, and formal models, Oxford Linguistics, UK, 8, 1.
Brunyé, T., Gardony, A., Mahoney, C., Taylor, H. (2012). Going to town: Visualized perspectives and navigation through virtual environments. Computers in Human Behavior, Elsevier, 1, 28, 257-266.
Wang, Q., Taylor, H., Brunyé, T., Maddox, K. (2014). Seeing the forest or the trees? Shifting categorical effects in map memory. Spatial Cognition & Computation, Taylor & Francis, 1, 14, 58-89.