Prof. Dr. Erik D. Reichle
Brain & Mind
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Jan 2008
Mai 2008
Projekte & Publikationen
Computational Models of Reading: How the Mind Constructs Mental Representations from the Printed Page
| Jan 2008
Mai 2008
Prof. Dr. Franz Schmalhofer, Universität Osnabrück
Reichle, E. D. (2021). Computational Models of Reading. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Sayette, M., Reichle, E., Schooler, J. (2009). Lost in the sauce: The effects of alcohol on mind wandering. Psychological Science, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 6, 20, 747-752.
Reichle, E., Vanyukov, P., Laurent, P., Warren, T. (2008). Serial or parallel? Using depth-of-processing to examine attention allocation during reading. Vision research, Elsevier, 17, 48, 1831-1836.
Reichle, E., Warren, T., McConnell, K. (2009). Using EZ Reader to model the effects of higher level language processing on eye movements during reading. Psychonomic bulletin & review, Springer, 16, 1-21.
Warren, T., White, S., Reichle, E. (2009). Wrap up effects can be independent of interpretative processing: Evidence from eye movements. Cognition, 1, 111, 132-137.