Prof. Dr. Erik D. Reichle 

University of Pittsburgh, USA
Jan 2008 - Mai 2008

Erik D. Reichle

Projekte & Publikationen

Prof. Dr. Franz Schmalhofer, Universität Osnabrück
Sayette, M., Reichle, E., Schooler, J. (2009). Lost in the sauce: The effects of alcohol on mind wandering. Psychological Science, SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA, 6, 20, 747-752.
Reichle, E., Vanyukov, P., Laurent, P., Warren, T. (2008). Serial or parallel? Using depth-of-processing to examine attention allocation during reading. Vision research, Elsevier, 17, 48, 1831-1836.
Reichle, E., Warren, T., McConnell, K. (2009). Using EZ Reader to model the effects of higher level language processing on eye movements during reading. Psychonomic bulletin & review, Springer, 16, 1-21.
Warren, T., White, S., Reichle, E. (2009). Wrap up effects can be independent of interpretative processing: Evidence from eye movements. Cognition, 1, 111, 132-137.