
Wolfgang Stenzel

Head of Program SOCIETY

University education

History and Geography in Freiburg and Kiel, completed with the „Staatsexamen” (comparable to a two-majors M.A. degree), 1983

Studying abroad: University of Stockholm (Sweden), 1977 - 1978


1992: Grant of the German-American Fulbright Commission (Program in the US for staff of university international offices, 1 month)

1987 – 1988: Grant of the Svenska Institutet (Sweden) for research at Kungliga Krigsarkivet in Stockholm (10 months)

1986: Grant of the Svenska Institutet (Sweden) for research at Kungliga Krigsarkivet in Stockholm (3 months)

Professional career

Since August, 2024: Head of Program for Society and the Foundation Board

Since April, 2019: Head of Program for Society, the Foundation Board, and art in progress (until 2024)

Since September, 2010: Head of Program for Energy, the Foundation Board, and art in progress (Administration)

Since December, 2000: Research Manager, responsible for the area Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences (now: Brain) and the Foundation Board

Mai, 1999 – November, 2000: Director, International Office, University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart)

January, 1991 – April, 1999: Assistant Director, International Office, University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart)

1985 – 1990: Assistant Advisor, International Office, University of Kiel (interrupted by grants for Stockholm)

January – July, 1984: City of Kiel, Cultural Affairs Office, staff member, project: organization of an international congress of authors and journalists for the Kiel Week 1984

Other activities and services to the community

1991 – 2000: Participation in grant committees for the German-American Fulbright Commission, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst), and student exchanges of the state of Baden-Württemberg

1992 – 2000: Member of the board of the „Stuttgarter Hofbräu Studienförderung des akademischen Nachwuchses“ (private foundation established to support students and young scientists) at the University of Hohenheim

1988 – 1990: Teaching German as a second language at the University in Kiel

1981 – 1982: Managing Elder, private student dormitory Deutsch-Nordische Burse, Kiel (supporting the Managing Director, voted into office by the residents)

October, 1978 – March, 1980: Military service