JProf. Dr. Philipp Staudt 

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Jul 2024 - Jun 2027
Associate Junior Fellow

Philipp Staudt

Projects & Publications


Advancing Green Information Systems: Collaborative Strategies for Global Sustainability

In an era when digital innovation urgently needs to contribute to environmental sustainability, the Green Information Systems (Green IS) research field emerges as crucial for harmonizing technology with sustainability goals. Despite its growing importance, Green IS remains somewhat fragmented, which hampers its potential. The proposed two-day workshop aims to further unify the field, encouraging researchers to share advancements and strategize on collaborative initiatives. The workshop’s roster of speakers includes renowned experts in Green IS research from the international community and represents great methodological breadth. Objectives include

consolidating Green IS, enhancing collaboration, and developing strategic initiatives for global impact. The workshop structure promotes active participation through keynotes, panels, and breakout sessions, all focusing on specific Green IS topics. Expected outcomes include a stronger research network, a strategic agenda for field advancement, and a potential joint publication, marking a significant step for Green IS. This initiative further advances Dr. Staudt's network within the IS domain and also enhances the Universität Oldenburg's standing in the IS research community, contributing to global sustainability efforts.