Prof. Elisabeth Jarstø 

Independent, NORWAY
Sep 2024 - Jan 2025
Artist in Residence

Elisabeth Jarstø

Projects & Publications


The art project GLOBAL BELONGING seeks to explore the complexity of science and its impact on the health and well-being of the planet. The project is inspired by my stay in the Arctic, where I gained greater understanding of the Arctic Area, its characteristics and climate-related changes. My goal with this project is an artwork that intertwines art and science.


The art project TRANSFORMER is an overarching framework for my ongoing artistic exploration. I investigate how structures and basics elements of nature (e.g., fractals) are formed and how growth occurs and how structures collapse or transform. Connections to time, contemporary issues, the natural sciences, society, and culture are essential elements of this project.


During my stay at the Ny-Ålesund Research Station, I gained valuable insight into the scientific work. This transcendent atmosphere gave me access to laboratories and observatories, allowing me to document the researchers’ work on climate change.


The dialog and documentation material, together with artistic material inspired by the Arctic landscape, will be essential for my interdisciplinary art project. I will also be cooperating with scientists (EARTH) and the fellowship group at Bremen and Oldenburg on the topic of climate change.