Dr. Nikolaos Mavropoulos 

Independent, GREECE
Feb 2022 - Oct 2022
Junior Fellow

Nikolaos Mavropoulos

Projects & Publications

Mavropoulos, N. (2022). Italians in Africa and the Japanese in South East Asia; Stark Differences and Surprising Similarities in the Age of Expansion. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, Berlin, Boston. https://doi.org//10.1515/9783110757842
Mavropoulos, N. (2023). Japanese militarism in early colonial Taiwan: two dissidents muted – the Takano and Isawa cases. In: Zawiszová, H. and Lavicka, M. (eds.), Voiced and Voiceless in Asia, Olomouc Asian Studies, Palacký University Olomouc. https://issuu.com/flexibooks/docs/voiced_and_voiceless_in_asia_zawiszova_lavicka