Assoc. Prof. Dr. Amy Hasinoff 

University of Colorado, Denver, USA
Aug 2019 - Jul 2020

Amy Hasinoff

Projects & Publications

Hasinoff, A. A. (2021). Are Clery Act Mandates Correctly Directed?. Campus Law Enforcement Journal, 51(1), 56-58.
Harder, Sidsel K., and Hasinoff, Amy A. (). Ashamed of shaming? Stories of managing, deflecting, and acknowledging shame after committing image-based sexual abuse. First Monday, Vol 26, No 4-5 April 2021.
Hasinoff, A. A., Gibson, A. D. and Salehi, N. (2020). The promise of restorative justice in addressing online harm. Brookings TechStream.
Hasinoff, A. A. and Krueger, P. (2020). Warning: Notifications about crime on campus may have unwanted effects. International Journal of Communication, 14, 587-607.