Assoc. Prof. Dr. Carsten Levisen 

Roskilde Universitet, DENMARK
Jul 2020 - Feb 2021

Carsten Levisen

Projects & Publications

Levisen, C. (2020). Ortoleksi. In: C. Andersen, L. Jauffred, A. H. Laustsen, C. Levisen, S. Lomborg, and B. P. Beck (eds.), Tanker i lockdown, Copenhagen: Det Unge Akademi, 94-99.
Levisen, C. (2021). Pæn, flot, dejlig, and lækker. A lexical anthropology of Danish folk aesthetics. 2 International Journal of Language and Culture, 8:1, 14-34.
Levisen, C. (2024). Postcolonial Semantics: Meaning and Metalanguage in a Multipolar World. De Gruyter.
Levisen, C. (2020). Royal Semantics: Linguacultural Reflections on the Danish Address Pronoun De. In: H. Bromhead, and Z. Ye (eds.), Meaning, Life, and Culture, Canberra: ANU Press, 85-98.
Levisen, C., Andersen, C., Jauffred, L., Laustsen, A. H., Lomborg, S., and Beck, B. P. (eds.) (2020). Tanker i Lockdown. Copenhagen: Det Unge Akademi.
Levisen, C. (2020). The Syntax of Something: Evaluative Affordances of Noget in Danish Construction Grammar. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 1-22.