Prof. Dr. Myat Su Yin
Brain & Mind
Mahidol University, THAILAND
Dec 2021
Apr 2022
Junior Fellow
Jun 2019
Oct 2019
Junior Fellow

Projects & Publications
Representation and Reasoning about Surgical Procedures for Intelligent Virtual Training Environments
| Jun 2019
Apr 2022
Cooperation partner
Prof. Dr. Michael Beetz, Universität Bremen
Prof. Dr. Gabriel Zachmann, Universität Bremen
Yin, M. S., Haddawy, P., Ziemer, T., Wetjen, F., Supratak, A., Chiamsakul, K., Siritanakorn, W., Chantanalertvilai, T., Sriwichai, P. & Sa-ngamuang, C. (2023). A deep learning-based pipeline for mosquito detection and classification from wingbeat sounds. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82 (4), 5189-5205.
Supratak, A., Haddawy, P., Su Yin, M., Ziemer, Siritanakorn, W., Chiamsakul, K., Chantanalertvilai, T., Suchalermkul, w., Sa-ngamuang, C., Sriwichai, P. (2023). A deep learning-based pipeline for mosquito detection and classification from wingbeat sounds. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 5189-5205.
Su Yin, M., Bicout, D., Haddawy, P., Schöning, J., Laosiritaworn, Y., Sa-angchai,P. (2021). Added-value of mosquito vector breeding sites from street view images in the risk mapping of dengue incidence in Thailand. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 15 (3).
Haddawy, P., Lawpoolsri, S., Sa-Ngamuang, C., Su Yin, M., Barkowsky, T., Wiratsudakul, A., ... & Cui, L. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 government travel restrictions on mobility in a rural border area of Northern Thailand: A mobile phone tracking study.. PLoS one, 16 (2).
Su Yin, M., Haddawy, P., Suebnukarn, S., Kulapichitr, F., Rhienmora, P., Jatuwat, V., Uthaipattanacheep, N. (2021). Formative Feedback Generation in a VR-based Dental Surgical Skill Training Simulator.. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 114, 103659.
Haddawy, P., Wettayakorn, P., Nonthaleerak, B., Yin, M.S. Wiratsudakul, A., Schöning, J., … & Choknitipakin, K. (2019). Large scale detailed mapping of dengue vector breeding sites using street view images. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseased, 13 (7).
Haddawy, P., Su Yin, M., Meth, P., Srikaew, A., Wavemanee, C., Lawpoolsri Niyom, S., Sriraksa, K., Limpitikul, W., Kittirat, P., Malasit, P., Avirutnan, P., Mairiang, D. (2023). Prognostic prediction of pediatric DHF in two hospitals in Thailand. In: Juarez, J. M., Marcos, M., Stiglic, G., Tucker, A. (Eds.) 21st int'l conference proceedings on artificial intelligence in medicine. Portoroz, Solvenia, Springer, Cham, 303-312.
Kaluschke, M., Yin, M. S., Haddawy, P., Suebnukarn, S., & Zachmann, G. (2022). The Impact of 3D Stereopsis and Hand-Tool Alignment on Effectiveness of a VR-based Simulator for Dental Training. In: 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), IEEE, 449-455.