Prof. em. Dr. Mihai Nadin 

The University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Sep 2015 - Oct 2015
Honorary Fellow
Aug 2014 - Sep 2014
Honorary Fellow
Sep 2011 - Jun 2012

Mihai Nadin

Projects & Publications

Cooperation partner
Prof. Dr. Otthein Herzog, Universität Bremen
Nadin, M. (2013). Antecapere ergo sum: what price knowledge?. AI & Society, 28, 39-50.
Nadin, M. (2013). Anticipation: a bridge between Narration and Innovation. In: Müller, A.P., Becker, L. (Eds.), Narrative and Innovation, Springer, 239-263.
Nadin, M. (Ed.) (2022). Epigenetics and Anticipation. Springer International Publishing.
Nadin, M. (2013). Quantifying Anticipatory Characteristics. The Anticipation Scope and the Anticipatory Profile, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Next Generation Intelligent Medical Support Systems. In: Iantovics, B., Kountchev, R. (Eds.), Advanced Intelligent Computational Technologies and Decision Support Systems, Springer, 143-160.
Nadin, M. (2012). What is Anticipation and What is Not? Comment on Nauts, Metzmacher, Verwijmeren, Rommeswinkel, and Karremans (2011). Archives of Sexual Behaviour, 41 (753).