Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antje Vetterlein
Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK
Sep 2012
Apr 2013
Projects & Publications
Book Project: Poverty of Plenty: Changing Development Ideas in the World Bank and the IMF
| Sep 2012
May 2013
Cooperation partner
Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau, Universität Bremen
Vetterlein, A. und Wiener, A. (2013). Gemeinschaft Revisited: Die sozialen Grundlagen internationaler Ordnung. Stetter, St., Ordnung und Wandel in der Weltpolitik (Sonderband Leviathan, Bd. 28), 78-104.
Vetterlein, A., Moschella, M. (2013). International Organizations and Organizational Fields: Explaining Policy Change in the IMF. European Political Science Review, 6, 1, 143-165.
Vetterlein, A. (2014). The Discursive Power of International Organizations: Social Policy Language and Concepts in the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Beland, D., and Petersen, K. (eds.), Analyzing Social Policy Language and Concepts: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives, 101-125.
Vetterlein, A. (2013). The Role of the World Bank and the IMF in Poverty Reduction: Limits of Policy Change. Surender, R., Walker, R., and Van Niekerk, R. (eds.), Social Policy in a Developing World: Comparative Developments and Debates, 37-57.