Prof. Dr. August Österle 

Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, AUSTRIA
Oct 2009 - Feb 2010
Fellow - co-funded by BIGSSS, Universität Bremen

August Österle

Projects & Publications

Cooperation partner
Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau, Universität Bremen
Österle, A. (2011). A Comparative Analysis of Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe. Österle, A., Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe, 213-221.
Österle, A., Meichenitsch, K. and Mittendrein, L. (2011). Long-term Care in Austria. Österle, A., Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe, 41-66.
Österle, A. (ed.) (2011). Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe. Peter Lang.
Österle, A. (2010). Long-term Care in Central and South-Eastern Europe: Challenges and Perspectives in Adressing a 'New' Social Risk. Social policy and administration: an international journal of policy & research, 44, 4, 461-481.
Österle, A. Mittendrein, L., and Meichenitsch, K. (2011). Providing Care for Growing Needs: The Context for Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe. Österle, A., Long-term Care in Central and South Eastern Europe, 17-39.