Prof. Dr. Glenis Long (verstorben) 

The City University of New York, USA
Nov 2008 - Nov 2008
Jun 2001 - Aug 2001
Jan 1999 - Aug 1999

Glenis Long (verstorben)

Projects & Publications

Cooperation partner
Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Cooperation partner
Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Long, G.R., Shaffer, L.S., Dhar, S. and Talmadge, C.L. (1999). Cross Species Comparison of Otoacoustic Fine-structure. Wada, H. Takasaka, T., Ikeda, K. Ohyama, K and Koike, T. (eds.), Recent developments in auditory mechanics, 367-373.
Long, G.R. (2001). Does Intersubject Variance in Psychoacoustics Stem from Cochlear Fine structure. Kohlrausch, A., Houtsma, A.J.M., Prijs, V.F. and Schoonhoven, R., Physiological and psychophysical bases of auditory function, 397-402.
Mauermann, M., Long, G.R. and Kollmeier, B. (2004). Fine Structure of Hearing-threshold and Loudness Perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 116, 1066-1080.