Dr. Valentina Parisi 

Central European University, HUNGARY
Sep 2014 - Jun 2015
Fellow - co-funded by EURIAS, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

Valentina Parisi

Projekte & Publikationen

Parisi, V. (2015). Anacronismo o innovazione mediale? Lo statuto ambiguo del dattiloscritto nello ‘scenario di scrittura’ del samizdat. in: R. Marti R., M. C. Pesenti (eds.) Libro manoscritto e libro a stampa nel mondo slavo (XV-XX secc.), Roma, Bulzoni, k.A..
Parisi, V. (2019). Dissidents reloaded? Anti-Putin activists and the Soviet legacy. Routledge, k.A..
Ed. by V. Parisi (2015). Samizdat. Between Practices and Representations. Budapest, Central European University, Institute of Advanced Study.
Parisi, V. (2016). Scribes, Self-Publishers, Artists: Performing the Book in the Samizdat Writing Scene. In: Gilbert, A. (ed.) Publishing as Artistic Practice, 154-171.