Prof. Dr. Antonio Henrique da Fontoura Klein 

University of Vale do Itajaí, BRAZIL
Dez 2006 - Mär 2007

Antonio Henrique da Fontoura Klein

Projekte & Publikationen

Prof. Dr. Burghard Flemming, Senckenberg am Meer
PD Dr. Christian Winter, Universität Bremen
John R.C. Hsu, Antonio H.F. Klein (eds.) (2010). Hydrodynamics and Applications of Headland-Bay Beaches. Coastal Engineering, 57, 2, 75-240.
André L.A. Raabe, Antonio H. da F. Klein, Mauricio González, Raul Medina (2010). MEPBAY and SMC: Software tools to support different operational levels of headland-bay beach in coastal engineering projects. Coastal Engineering, 57, 2, 213-226.
A. H. F. Klein, C. W. Kinkl (2006). Proceedings of the 8th International Coastal Symposium : ICS 2004 : Itajai/Itapema, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 14 to 19 March, 2004, Ausgabe 39,Teil 1. Coastal Education and Research Foundation (CERF).
Robert Lausman, Antonio H.F. Klein, Marcel J.F. Stive (2006). Uncertainty in the application of Parabolic Bay Shape Equation: A case study..
Robert Lausman, Antonio H.F. Klein, Marcel J.F. Stive (2010). Uncertainty in the application of the parabolic bay shape equation: Part 2. Coastal Engineering, 57, 2, 142-151.