cand. Dr. João Manuel Rodrigues 

Libphys-UNL at Nova University of Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Jun 2022 - Sep 2022
Junior Fellow

João Manuel Rodrigues

Projects & Publications


The Cognitive System Labs introduced the LabLinking (LL) system, which envisions

experiments without borders, that is, experiments that are not limited by a physical space, a

specific set of instruments, sensors or devices available in a lab, promoting cooperation and

shared expertise in conducting remote joint experiments.

This project proposes several contributions to improve the current system for

experiments that require motion analysis, a topic that has applicability to many domains, ranging

from the artistic domain (in dance or martial arts) to the industrial field (worker’s motion), or even

to everyday activities. Considering the amount of data acquired, we propose contributions to the

analytical layer of the system, providing real-time processing of the records and displaying it in a

summarized and meaningful way, more interpretable to any user, even when non-familiar with

signal analysis. We also propose to explore a specific use-case with the LL system. This has

the purpose of giving relevant quantitative measures of motion synchrony between two subjects

performing specific gestures, remotely connected to LL with potential to be used as a training

system for dance gestures or even worker’s motion.

Finally, we expect to have several outcomes, namely public datasets, joint publications in

the signal processing domain and data visualization, as well as new processing layers to the LL

and a new experiment modality.

Cooperation partner
Dr. Felix Putze, Universiät Bremen
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tanja Schultz, Universität Bremen
Rodrigues, J., Liu, H., Folgado, D., Belo, D., Schultz, T. and Gamboa, H. (2022). Feature-Based Information Retrieval of Multimodal Biosignals Using a Self-Similarity Matrix: Applications for Automatic Segmentation and Labelling, Biosensors. MDPI, 12 (12).