University of London, UNITED KINGDOM
September 2009 - Juni 2010
Book Project: The Regulatory State and the Welfare State
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
September 2007 - Mai 2008
Domestic Politics by Other Means. Political Parties and the Future of Europe
Yale School of Management, USA
September 2005 - Dezember 2005
The Politics of Social Policy and Health in Europe and North America
Aston Institute for Forensic Linguistics, UNITED KINGDOM
Oktober 2022 - Februar 2023
Language, diaspora and civic belonging: An urban case study
Independent, GREECE
Februar 2022 - Dezember 2022
Colonizers or migrants?: The Greek community in Italian Eritrea
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, SPAIN
September 1999 - Februar 2000
Die intergenerationalen Solidarbeziehungen innerhalb der spanischen Familien
Central European University, AUSTRIA
November 2022 - Mai 2023
Global Money, Local Politics: Big Business, Capital Mobility and the Transformation of Crony Capitalism in Russia and Ukraine
European Inter-University Center for Human Rights and…, ITALY
Januar 2009 - März 2009
The Impact of Reconciliation in Post-Conflict and Post-Authoritarian Societies in Europe
Western Sydney University, AUSTRALIA
Juli 2019 - August 2020
Sexual Ageing in the History of Medicine
University of Essex, UNITED KINGDOM
Januar 1998 - Dezember 2000
Inclusion and Exclusion in the Structuring of Migrants' Rights
New York University, USA
Juni 2008 - Dezember 2008
The Effects of Identity and Communication on Voter Behavior
Max Planck Group, Common Goods: Law, Politics and Economics
August 2002 - September 2002
The Constitutionalisation of International Politics: New Approaches to Governance in the European Union and the World Trade Organisation
Technische Universität Chemnitz
April 1998 - Juli 1998
2. Intergenerationenbeziehungen (im Rahmen des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1161)
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Mai 2011 - Juni 2011
Pfadabhängigkeit als biographietheoretisches Konzept
Catholic University of Leuven, BELGIUM
University of Benin
Juli 2024 - Januar 2025
Assessing health risks, consent issues, vulnerability and tradition: an empirically informed bioethical perspective on the African bride price practice
The University of Tokyo, JAPAN
Mai 2006 - Juli 2006
Working Group "Gender and Comparative Institutional Studies in Embedded Capitalism - the Cases of Japan and Gemany"
Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, AUSTRIA
Oktober 2009 - Februar 2010
Equity and Long-Term Care: A Framework for the Comparative Study of Access to Long-Term Care
University of Oxford, UNITED KINGDOM
März 2018 - Dezember 2018
Physiology as Philosophy: A Comparative Study of Self-Regulation in Nineteenth-Century German Biophysics
Aarhus University, DENMARK
März 2021 - Juli 2021
Night Spaces: Migration, Culture and Integration in Europe
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