University of New South Wales, AUSTRALIA
August 2005 - Oktober 2005
Working Group "Foundations, Rationales, and Representation of Human Economic Behaviour in Ecological Economics"
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University, UKRAINE
August 2022 - März 2023
Human-Rights Oriented Model of Business Conduct in Times of Conflict
Tulane University, USA
Oktober 2009 - Juli 2010
Book Project: The Comparative Politics of Liberalism: Ideas and Interests in Economic Adjustment in Europe
The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA
Dezember 2018 - Juli 2019
Kant, Du Bois, and Cosmopolitanism in a New Colour
University of Groningen, THE NETHERLANDS
Dezember 2013 - Januar 2015
Globalization and Supranational Attitudes
The University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA
August 2020 - März 2021
Typhoon politics in 20th century Asia: states, markets, patronage
University of Newcastle, UNITED KINGDOM
April 2008 - April 2009
2. Buchübersetzung Franz-Xaver Kaufmann (2003): Sozialpolitisches Denken
Instituto Universitario di Architettura, ITALY
Februar 2001 - März 2002
The Practice of Theoreticians - The Moderns in "Other" Contexts
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods
September 2003 - Dezember 2003
A Snowball Against Global Warming: An Alternative to the Kyoto Protocol
Copenhagen Business School, DENMARK
September 2012 - Mai 2013
Book Project: Poverty of Plenty: Changing Development Ideas in the World Bank and the IMF
Deutsches Jugendinstitut e. V.
Januar 2008 - September 2008
Integration von sozialwissenschaftlichen und psychologischen mit neurowissenschaftlichen Aspekten fremdenfeindlicher und rechtsextremer Jugendgewalt
März 2025 - Oktober 2025
Listening, Democracy, and the Clamours of Nationalism
Jilin University, CHINA
Oktober 2010 - Februar 2011
A Political Science Analysis of Social Welfare and Social Security: European Experiences and China's Choice
Queens University Belfast (1. Fellowship), IRELAND
September 2012 - Oktober 2012
2012: EU-Fishery Governance
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
April 2001 - Juli 2001
Mikro- und mesopolitische Konstellationen sozialpolitischer Innovationen
University of Beijing, CHINA
Dezember 2003 - Februar 2004
Globalization of the Welfare State. The Emergence of Transnational Social Policy and 'New Welfare States' (with Special Reference to China)
Harvard University, USA
November 2023 - Oktober 2024
Global world and regress of Russia’s limited access order: ways out of the crisis and lessons for the future
Kyung Hee University, SOUTH KOREA
September 1999 - Januar 2004
Wandel der intergenerativen Beziehungen in koreanischen und deutschen Familien
University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Oktober 2023 - Mai 2024
Towards a Sociological Theory of Risk Communication
Osgoode Hall Law School, CANADA
Juli 2009 - August 2011
The Corporation as State: Corporate Social Responsibilitiy in the Knowledge Society
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