Sultan Qaboos University, SULTANATE OF OMAN
Juni 2021 - August 2023
Metabolic Activity of Microorganisms in Microbial Mats Thriving at Saturation-Level Salinity and Their Potential Use in Biofuel Production
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA
Juli 2013 - Juli 2013
Estimating Dissolved CO2 Storage in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Washington University in St. Louis, USA
August 2007 - Juli 2008
Geochemical Energy for the Deep Subsurface Biosphere in Marine Sediments
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
September 2014 - Juni 2016
Connecting Microbial Community Composition and Carbon-Cycling Capabilities: Linking Composition and Extracellular Enzymatic Function Across Diverse Marine Environments
Xiamen University, CHINA
August 2015 - Mai 2016
How do Extreme Events Affect the Riverine Export of Dissolved Organic Matter to the Ocean?
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA
Mai 2017 - August 2018
The Role of Microbes in Mitigating Stress of Deep-Sea Corals in Response to Oil and Dispersants Exposure
University of California, San Diego, USA
Mai 1998 - November 2001
Die Rolle des Ozeans bei Klimaveränderungen und Umweltproblemen
University of Pretoria, SOUTH AFRICA
Juli 2015 - November 2015
Investigation of Seals at the Filchner Outflow Systems, Antarctica
Indian Institute of Technology, INDIA
August 2006 - November 2006
Simulation of Flow Through/Around Marine Aggregates
Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium - LUMCON, USA
Oktober 2019 - November 2022
A Highly Resolved Spatial Analysis of the Biogeochemistry of a Common Salt Marsh Grass Rhizosphere
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Juli 2004 - August 2005
Molecular and Isotopic Assessment of Cyanobacterial Contributions to Oceanic Primary Production from Cretaceous to Present
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg, GERMANY
März 2018 - März 2018
Desired Trajectories for the Earth System in the 21st Century
Columbia University, USA
September 2006 - September 2006
Das Klima der Erde - zähmbar oder unberechenbar? (Taming the Angry Climate Beast)
The University of Waikato, NEW ZEALAND
September 2010 - Dezember 2010
Multiscale Model of 2-Dimensional Beach Response to Climatic Forcing
University of Tasmania, AUSTRALIA
Juli 2003 - Dezember 2003
Changes in the microbiology of estuarine sediments affected by organic carbon
The University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
Januar 2013 - Juli 2013
Modelling the Global Surface Drift Circulation
Leibniz Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde
Juni 2024 - Juni 2024
Developing a Generic Ocean Color Remote Sensing Reflectance Observation Operator to Constrain Biogeochemical Model Predictions
San Diego State University, USA
April 2019 - November 2019
The Role of Trace Elements (B, Fe, and I) on Bacterial-Algal Interactions in the Marine Environment
Harvard University, USA
September 2004 - Dezember 2004
The diversity and abundance of methanotrophic bacteria in marine and freshwater environments
Council for Geoscience - Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA
November 2017 - Juni 2019
Sea-Level Fluctuations, Submerged Landscapes on the South African Continental Shelf, and the Implications for Human Evolution
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